A new major update is now available! Discover what's new in our latest changelog!
A major change has been made to the game's economy, dealing with resources and equipment. To find out more, please read the devblog about it!
With this update, the reconstruction of Cania following the disaster caused by Epsilon is complete! This is in addition to many new features, including:
The level range for zones in Incarnam has been reduced. The overall zone is now recommended for levels 1 to 35, down from 50.
With regard to the area dungeon, the composition of monster groups has been changed. A room has also been removed. Achievements linked to the dungeon now unlock starting at level 30.
To avoid overwhelming new players with information, monster resources no longer drop off of Gobballs or Tofus. Resources required for quests have been converted into quest items to make sure players can obtain them and to avoid slowing progress at the beginning of the game.
Lairs and their associated sets have been adapted to these changes.
To ensure a more consistent transition between Incarnam and Astrub, then between Astrub and remaining zones, the composition of certain monsters by area (including the new ones), the level of some of these, along with their associated resources and equipment, have been modified.
We felt that the opening system to reach the Giant Kralove boss was not adapted to the format of the game and remained very daunting, especially for more casual players. Not to mention that some players were regularly exploiting this system through dubious means. We would like to thank the players who took the time in organizing groups to open the dungeon, particularly through Discord.
The system has therefore been changed; Giant Kralove's lair will now be accessible automatically, from the 1st through the 7th of each month.
Accessing the dungeon during open times will be done the same way a standard dungeon is accessed, by using a key. However, the bunch of keys (keyring) will not be available for this dungeon.
The level, as well as the experience reward by the Giant Kralove, have been reviewed. It is now a level 180 monster, as shown in the achievement of the dungeon.
Messages will be automatically sent to the maps for each city Zaap, as well as the one for Otomai's Zaap, so that all players will be notified.
The messages will be intended for level 150 and above players. The message will differ depending on whether you have already completed the Otomai Island access quest or not.
A new ceremonial pet may now drop off of the boss: the Yakitako.
A new level-180 shield linked to the Kralove, the Tentacled Shield, has also been added to the game.
The shield revamp offered last December seems to have been successful and the community has taken full advantage of it. Nevertheless, we noticed a persistent balancing problem as shield passives provided the same bonuses, regardless of the shield's or player's level.
These passives will now be balanced according to level, in the following way:
Shields with the Tenacity passive:
Shields with the Stoicism passive:
Shields with the Speed passive:
Since the Altruism passive is proportional to HP, it remains unchanged.
Summoning of Koalak
Draining Word
Wounding Word
The damage of these spells takes into account the Eniripsa's agility. This has not been changed.
Natural Attack
Tree of Life
Doll Knowledge
Due to the technical difficulties with the shop for several weeks in April and May, we've distributed 6 pieces of Bitter Shigekax to Brutas players and 3 pieces of Bitter Shigekax to Dodge players that were active during the time of the issue.

Change to the Economy
A major change has been made to the game's economy, dealing with resources and equipment. To find out more, please read the devblog about it!
Drowning to Come Back Stronger
With this update, the reconstruction of Cania following the disaster caused by Epsilon is complete! This is in addition to many new features, including:
- 3 new dungeons (level 120 to 160)
- 3 new sets linked to bosses, as well as two weapons
- 3 new shields from level 135 to 165
- 40 new quests
- 28 new achievements
- a visual overhaul of Eltneg Wood
Changes to the Areas of Incarnam and Astrub
The level range for zones in Incarnam has been reduced. The overall zone is now recommended for levels 1 to 35, down from 50.
With regard to the area dungeon, the composition of monster groups has been changed. A room has also been removed. Achievements linked to the dungeon now unlock starting at level 30.
To avoid overwhelming new players with information, monster resources no longer drop off of Gobballs or Tofus. Resources required for quests have been converted into quest items to make sure players can obtain them and to avoid slowing progress at the beginning of the game.
Lairs and their associated sets have been adapted to these changes.
To ensure a more consistent transition between Incarnam and Astrub, then between Astrub and remaining zones, the composition of certain monsters by area (including the new ones), the level of some of these, along with their associated resources and equipment, have been modified.
Change to Giant Kralove's Lair
We felt that the opening system to reach the Giant Kralove boss was not adapted to the format of the game and remained very daunting, especially for more casual players. Not to mention that some players were regularly exploiting this system through dubious means. We would like to thank the players who took the time in organizing groups to open the dungeon, particularly through Discord.
The system has therefore been changed; Giant Kralove's lair will now be accessible automatically, from the 1st through the 7th of each month.
Accessing the dungeon during open times will be done the same way a standard dungeon is accessed, by using a key. However, the bunch of keys (keyring) will not be available for this dungeon.
The level, as well as the experience reward by the Giant Kralove, have been reviewed. It is now a level 180 monster, as shown in the achievement of the dungeon.
Messages will be automatically sent to the maps for each city Zaap, as well as the one for Otomai's Zaap, so that all players will be notified.
The messages will be intended for level 150 and above players. The message will differ depending on whether you have already completed the Otomai Island access quest or not.
A new ceremonial pet may now drop off of the boss: the Yakitako.
A new level-180 shield linked to the Kralove, the Tentacled Shield, has also been added to the game.
Ascension Island
- A level 148 set is available at the resources tab sold by the merchant NPC, located in the room to the right of the dungeon entrance.
- A level 200 set is available at the resources tab sold by the merchant NPC, located in the room to the right of the dungeon entrance.
- A level 200 shield is available at the resources tab sold by the merchant NPC, located in the room to the right of the dungeon entrance.
- A ceremonial petsmount has been added to the merchant NPC to the right of the entrance to Ascension.
- The calculation of the monster stats sometimes made them stronger than their original version, this issue has been fixed.
- The ninth rotations starts on 16 June!
Balancing Shields
The shield revamp offered last December seems to have been successful and the community has taken full advantage of it. Nevertheless, we noticed a persistent balancing problem as shield passives provided the same bonuses, regardless of the shield's or player's level.
These passives will now be balanced according to level, in the following way:
Shields with the Tenacity passive:
- Levels 50 to 79: 1 MP and 7 MP Dodge
- Levels 80 to 109: 1 MP and 9 MP Dodge
- Levels 110 to 139: 1 MP and 11 MP Dodge
- Levels 140 to 169: 1 MP and 13 MP Dodge
- Levels 170 to 200: 1 MP and 15 MP Dodge
Shields with the Stoicism passive:
- Levels 50 to 79: 16 Critical Resistance
- Levels 80 to 109: 22 Critical Resistance
- Levels 110 to 139: 28 Critical Resistance
- Levels 140 to 169: 34 Critical Resistance
- Levels 170 to 200: 40 Critical Resistance
Shields with the Speed passive:
- Levels 50 to 79: 15 Dodge
- Levels 80 to 109: 20 Dodge
- Levels 110 to 139: 25 Dodge
- Levels 140 to 169: 30 Dodge
- Levels 170 to 200: 35 Dodge
Since the Altruism passive is proportional to HP, it remains unchanged.
- In the combat preparation phase, latency when using custom sets has been fixed.
- A grid has been added to the cells in tactical mode to enhance readability.
- Range is now 1-2 at every level.
- Power bonus is now 20/25/30/35/40/50.
Summoning of Koalak
- The heal triggered by the Koalak is now reduced.
Draining Word
- AP cost has increased to 4.
- Area of effect is now a cross.
- The spell effects have been modified
- AP drain is kept
- Deals Air damage
- Erosion on the caster is now for 2 turns
- Limited to 2 casts per turn
- Limited to 1 cast on the same target per turn
- The effects of the spell do not stack
- Max range at level 1 is now 2
- Range is no longer modifiable
Wounding Word
- Limit of two casts per target.
- Damage has been increased.
- Heals allies around the target for 50% of the damage dealt
- Critical hit is now the same at all levels of the spell.
The damage of these spells takes into account the Eniripsa's agility. This has not been changed.
- Damage has been decreased at all levels of the spell.
Natural Attack
- Damage has been increased at all levels of the spell.
- The range has been increased by one at every level. It is now 2/2/3/3/3/4.
- The spell has no effect when cast on an opponent.
Tree of Life
- Whenever a Sadida uses a Groot summon and encounters an invisible player, an explanatory message will appear in the chat.
Doll Knowledge
- Using the spell in empty space no longer triggers the spell for all dolls in combat.
- Can no longer be used to hit an invulnerable boss.
- The heals calculation of Osamodas' Summoning of Koalak and Eniripisa's Wounding Word is now correctly calculated after taking into account the target's resistances.
- Mass crafting is now instantaneous for all professions, except smithmagic.
- The name of the profession "Shield Smith" has been changed to "Artificer".
- Shield workshops have been added to the Kolossium and Trophy workshops have been added to Pandala and Mount Neselite.
- The in-game resource "metaria" is now obtained by having Artificers craft them.
- The Still Water resource has been removed from Butcher and Hunter recipes, replaced by Onion.
- Books intended for consulting available crafters in the blacksmith, fisherman, alchemist, and jeweler professions have been added to the Stubbyob zone.
- The minimum level of the hunting profession required to collect each meat is now indicated in their respective descriptions.
- Crafting planks now additionally requires Plant Resin.
- It is now possible to learn the Alchemist profession from the NPC Dragonsly, located at [4,-18] in Astrub. The profession is learned directly; the NPC meeting sequence has been removed. It can also be learned from various other alchemist NPCs that previously appeared during the apprenticeship process.
- There is a new version of the Treering. The old version can still be used or broken but can no longer be crafted. Recipes now use the new version of the Treering.
- The pet Baby Crowdzilla is now earned from one of the new quests linked to the Lord Crow zone, no longer from the Lord's dungeon. This pet has also been removed from the Crow Set.
- There is now an in-game tutorial on the use of shields.
- The number of Bwork scalps required for the quest "The Free Goblin Syndicate" has been reduced.
- During the quest "Pandala: Its Fresh Air", it is no longer possible to retrigger the NPC Timouss's dialogue after completing the step "Skedaddling".
Dodge & Brutas Shop
Due to the technical difficulties with the shop for several weeks in April and May, we've distributed 6 pieces of Bitter Shigekax to Brutas players and 3 pieces of Bitter Shigekax to Dodge players that were active during the time of the issue.
- The registration form is now more readable within the app. Previously, the device keyboard would hide most text fields.
- NPCs for accessing your bank are now available on Ascension Island at [-73,-17], and in the Stubbyob zone at [-25,-20].
- The Incarnam fountain located at [-2,2] no longer allows you to recover HP.
- A new monster has been added to Moon Island: the Rokoko.
- A new monster has been added to Astrub Forest: the Astrub Squirrel.
- A new monster has been added to the Cania Fields, replacing the Green Mouse: the Beaztinga.
- A new monster has been added to the Cania Fields, replacing the Plissken: the Plains Larva.
- A new monster has been added to the Cemetery of Heroes: the Garglyph.
- As a result, certain archmonsters have been modified.
- The following monsters have undergone changes with their level, spells, or their resistances: Fungi Master, Glukoko, Ambusher, Oni, Neye, Bulbush, Bulbiflor and Bulbamboo.
- The minimum level required to take the stagecoach to the Bonta Cemetery has been lowered.
- The stagecoach trips to Amakna Village and Astrub work properly now.
- The ceremonial daggers from the Pink Dragoone Set no longer provide stat bonuses.
- The entrance to the Bworker Dungeon has been moved to [-15,14].
- The monsters and level of the area "Gisgoul, the Devastated Village" have been updated.
- Bworker Tokens can be redeemed for new rewards from the NPC Krowbe Jondon, located at [-12,-14] at the Trool Fair.
- The size of the Snailmate pet has been modified.
- The Sun Demon Cape has been adjusted on characters.
- Various texts and translations have been added and corrected in the game.
- Various maps in the World of Twelve have been corrected.
- The Limpwrist challenge has been renamed "Fainthearted".
- A dialog is now available when exiting the Gobball dungeon as well as the Bworks dungeon without receiving a pet reward.
- The emote reward of the achievement "At The Edges of Time" can now be obtained on each character in the account.
- The Almanax for June 27 has been updated, it now offers an XP bonus on the Peat Bog monster family.
- The size of the Minowang pet has been adjusted.