To watch Yugo grow up. To find out what happens to Adamai. To see Eva, Percedal, Elely and Flopin again. To see what becomes of Amalia and the Sadida Kingdom. To learn what comes before WAVEN. And to see if Ruel is still whacking people with his shovel. In short, to reunite with the Brotherhood of the Tofu. The story starts now.

Months of waiting. Wondering whether there would ever be a next chapter in the adventures you've shared with us for years. During this time, even we weren't sure of anything. Our partners were unable to follow us down the path we'd chosen for ourselves, and no one else seemed ready to join us either… at least, not unless we changed our direction. At first, we feared that all was lost.
But your messages, your enthusiasm and our desire to try every possible option before giving up ultimately gave us the strength to take a daring leap. The solution we finally chose was one we had previously thought of, but it represents an incredible challenge. For a long time, we hesitated. But in a few early drawings, sketches and ideas, the fate of the Brotherhood of the Tofu was already starting to take shape…
The moment has come, and the challenge before us is immense. But with your help, we believe that anything is possible.
What stories will season 4 have to tell?
After facing Nox, a mage who controlled the gears of time; Qilby, a distinguished representative of Yugo's people with exceptional powers and intelligence; Ogrest, an ogre who lives at the top of Mount Zinit and is the source of a series of catastrophes that have struck the world; and the omniscient Oropo, a philosophical adversary who forced our heroes to confront their worst fears, what threat awaits the World of Twelve this time?
At the end of season 3, we left Yugo and his friends at the gates of Ingloriom, the kingdom of the gods. The floating lands seemed completely devastated. What happened? Where are the Twelve Gods? Is there a connection between their recent victory and the chaos in Ingloriom? How far will our heroes have to go this time to make it through? These questions form the starting point of the new fourth season.
Season 4 represents the next chapter in the adventures of the Brotherhood of the Tofu, and the pivotal moment between the Wakfu Era and the age of WAVEN.

WAKFU has been a huge success, and is lucky enough to have large and loyal community that truly loves it. But like its fans, the series has grown up over the years, and now addresses topics that are gradually moving beyond the kids' animation category. A crowdfunding approach will let us take the series to places it wouldn't be able to go without YOU. By supporting the campaign, you will be giving WAKFU and the team working on the project the total creative freedom they need to further develop the story and the characters with no artistic constraints.
So what's the plan?
Each episode costs several hundred thousand euros. This Kickstarter campaign will fund a part of their production. Ankama will commit to producing three episodes once the first goal of 100,000 euros is reached. Each additional 100,000 euros will then unlock another episode.
Rewards will be given for different levels of support: in-game gifts, art or collectors' items, figurines, and more. Note: These rewards are intended to make our backers happy and to thank them for their support, but the point of this campaign is to help fund a new season of the series you love, not to buy rewards.
After three animated series (DOFUS – Kerub's Bazaar, WAKFU, Abraca), two films in theaters (DOFUS – Book I: Julith, MFKZ) and plenty of other projects on the way, we're feeling at the top of our form. If you like what we've shown you so far… The best is yet to come!
In addition, after a somewhat hesitant crowdfunding campaign a few years back, we've acquired lots of experience in this area through our board game division (Monster Slaughter, Krosmaster Blast, Monster Slaughter Underground, Arkeis), and proven the seriousness of our efforts and our ability to fulfill our commitments.
What's a Kickstarter campaign? It's a way for anyone on the Internet to help fund a project that they care about, and that they'd like to see become a reality. In exchange for their support, each "backer" receives a reward (an exclusive item, a meeting with the project team, etc.). This reward varies with the amount that the backer contributes, or with the amount provided by all backers together.