The composer of the DOFUS original soundtrack, Guillaume Pladys, invites you to join us for our traditional Christmas livestream. A classic ambiance of jingle bells and singers with five-octave range awaits you!
Eagerly awaited and greeted like a rock star, he arrives once again on the red carpet for the Christmas edition of Ankama Live. All that's missing is the flash of cameras and the cheering of excited fans… Guillaume Pladys, or Guigui to his friends, has made it his mission once again this year to delight your ears with a bit of live Christmas music.
This time, he'll be composing an exclusive live performance of a new piece for DOFUS, inspired by the WAVEN theme and infused with the warm, cozy feelings of Christmas.
Join us on Friday, December 22 at 6:00 PM (Paris time) on our AnkamaLive channel, available
.We look forward to seeing you there!