DOFUS, DOFUS Touch,* WAKFU, WAVEN: no matter which of our game(s) you're subscribed to, and no matter which pack, as long as your subscription is current, you've got free access to Ankama's newest animated series through Ankama Launcher!
To watch the series, simply log into the account with your subscription. Experience the captivating tale of this noble but aging Forgelance and his band of crumbling warriors as they take on ruthless villains Cire Momore and Belladonna.
New! The series is now available with an English voice dub (and still offers the option of English, Spanish, German and Portuguese subtitles)!
and, just a bit in advance,
* Note! For DOFUS Touch, you must have an Elite Bonus Pack to watch the Lance Dur series via Ankama Launcher on your PC or Mac (not available on smartphone).