Week #2 (from 9 a.m. on Tuesday, January 10, to 9 a.m. on Tuesday, January 17, Paris time)
If you're reading this on your smartphone, we strongly recommend switching to landscape mode for a better reading experience. Otherwise, you might miss certain important images!
This Week's Special Offer: Shamanic Packs
Embrace a mystical experience. You can take the path less traveled, a journey of the mind, without completely giving up your daily rituals, comfortable habits and steadfast beliefs. Or, you can follow your dreams and let yourself be entranced by the promise of new worlds and a higher state of self-consciousness! You can go anywhere with the Shamanic Packs: You just need to choose the rite passage!
Shamanic Getaway Pack
Shamanic Outing Pack
(color and face change)
Shamanic Journey Pack
(color and face change)
The sets of these three packs are linked to the account and comprise ceremonial items. When you dissociate a mimisymbiced item from a base item (with stats), you'll recover the mimisymbic, the ceremonial item, and the base item.
The Shamanic Packs will be waiting for you in the shop until Tuesday, February 14.
A Revised and Improved Rotation
If you missed the previous post about the new item rotation system, you might be a bit disconcerted! Indeed, this year brings with it a huge change because a selection of "prestige" items will now be available permanently in the shop!
The classic rotation is staying around, too. Now's the perfect time to check it out!
Other Items Available All Week
Rebel Recruit | Sidimote Warrior |
Ceremonial Sets
Alowa | Black Wab |
Miss Triste | Soul |
Bulbutting | Prez' Doh'bi |
Angora Bow Meow | Ginger Bow Wow |
Dehluge | Feathered Dragoturkey | Black Madreggon |
Ceremonial Items
Brakmarian Shield | Exotic Shield |
Extravagant Shield | Wosungwee Shield |
Weapons and Incantations
Hulkrap's Axe | Hichete's Daggers | Stroy Zemol's Sword |
Living Items
Livitinem Set |
10 Musical Fairyworks | Bitter Shigekax | Caramel Shigekax |
Praline Shigekax | Vanilla Shigekax | Pack of 5 Shigekax (1) |
The New Prestige Rotation Formula
As we said above, the prestige rotation has set up shop permanently in the shop. There, you'll find:
- 10 ornaments
- 12 ceremonial sets
- 12 pets (4 ceremonial and 8 with stats)
- 15 petsmounts (12 ceremonial and 5 with stats)
- 15 shields
- 4 headgear
- and all 7 emotes below:
That's more than 80 prestige items!
Don't wait – head to the in-game shop today!