From now until 9 a.m. (Paris time) on Monday, November 7, post your prose as a comment to this forum thread. If you are sufficiently talented – and what we mean by that is: If you manage to make at least one member of the jury cry (with laughter or from emotion) – then you could score a point for your server!
Yes, that single point could make all the difference! It could take you from second-but-ultimately-forgotten to first-and-forever-in-the-history-books! (No, we're not getting carried away…)
And if the good cause and a sense of community are not enough to motivate and convince you – because you're nothing but a nasty Sram, after all – you should know that there are other rewards on offer: a Finn Penman Shield (of course) and a Write emote (well, since you're entering a writing contest)!
Be good, be great… but most of all, be yourself!
And may the best win!
Your server's anthem
Must have a 100-word count limit or less
In a comment on this thread
Until Monday, November 7