Are you rolling in kamas? Are you skilled at throwing people off the scent? The High Roller Pack, Bluffer Pack, and Winner Pack are perfect for you! Available in the shop at the same time you take your usual look at our items of the week!
Every week, come check out our special offers and our selection of items in the shop.
Week #23 (Tuesday, June 7 at 9 a.m. Paris time to Tuesday, June 14 at 9 a.m. Paris time)
Prestige Cosmetic Items
The following prestige items will be available throughout June:
- Headbanging Emote
- Feca Set
- Fecascot Pet
- Star Dreamshield Shield
- Kramelegnos Petsmount
- Dream Ornament
- Samurai Set
- Donfus Pet
You can also find the Feca Set (shield, cape and headgear) and the Fecascot together in the Feca Pack!
Current Offers
The doors of the casino have barely opened and you are already overcome by the thrill of the game. You run your fingertips over the velvet cover of the poker table… A shiver runs down your spine. The clatter of the ball being flung around the roulette wheel suddenly catches your attention. Then you hear another sound: gold coins streaming out of the kamas machine's gaping mouth to spill out on to a carpet that has been worn threadbare by the trampling of hundreds of compulsive gamblers. High rollers and bluffers who, like you, find this intimate ambiance to be a comforting cocoon from which they never want to leave. Outside, the hours, days and nights go by, but inside they no longer care what time of day it is…
What you need is to slip on some High Roller and Bluffer gear to ensure everyone turns to stare at you as soon as you open the doors to the casino. To help with this, we are offering three new packs in the shop throughout June.
High Roller Pack - Let the thrill of the game take over!
- High Roller Cape (chameleon ceremonial item)
- High Roller Headgear (chameleon ceremonial item)
- High Roller Shield (chameleon ceremonial item)
- Mira pet (chameleon ceremonial item)
- Desse petsmount (chameleon ceremonial item)
- High Roller Ornament (ceremonial item)
Bluffer Pack - Throw 'em all off the scent!
- Bluffer's Cape (chameleon ceremonial item)
- Bluffer's Visor (chameleon ceremonial item)
- Bluffer's Shield (chameleon ceremonial item)
- Louz pet (chameleon ceremonial item)
- Malo petsmount (chameleon ceremonial item)
- Bluffer Ornament (ceremonial item)
Winner Pack - Losing isn't an option
The third and final Winner Pack includes all the contents of the two previous ones. As well as the items previously mentioned, it includes the "Ecaflipus Ambassador" title and a "Roll a die" emote.
Note that all three packs will be permanently linked to your account.
Items available all week long
- Ornaments
- Pets
- Petsmounts
- Armoured Dragoturkey
- Tarantulino
- Khamelerost Dragoturkey
- Kompost
- Emotes
- Ceremonial Items
- Living Items
- Weapons and Incantations
- Consumables
- 10 Musical Fairyworks
- Bitter Shigekax
- Caramel Shigekax
- Praline Shigekax
- Vanilla Shigekax
- Pack of 5 Shigekax (1)
We've clearly rolled out the red carpet for you this week!
It's time to play your trump card!