They're back. And they're more lovely, more creative, and funnier than ever. Alvi and company unveil all the latest Ankama news in a new episode of Ankama (Not) Live. Hurry up and watch it!
DOFUS, DOFUS Touch, WAKFU, Ankama Éditions, Ankama Boardgames, and Ankama Products: They're all here, toting bags packed with announcements and new features (and bags under their eyes, as a result). Get comfy and snuggle up with your Black Dragoone. Pour yourself a cool glass of Limo d'Grobe and get ready to fill up on juicy information (and to laugh, because, make no mistake: We're not just here to suffer!).
Warning: Too much Ankama (Not) Live may be harmful to your mental health – please watch responsibly.