In times like these, you'd best cover up before going outside! Ankama is thinking of you, your health, and your style too, so we're bringing out three packs of two masks* (Category 1) each, all in the colors of the World of Twelve! So…? Team Pets? Team Bonta vs. Brakmar? Or team Elegance? Now you just have to choose (to get them all)!

An adventurer's life is not without danger… How many have fainted after getting a noseful from a herd of Gobballs grazing in the pastures of Astrub? How many have ended up covered in spit after an Enutrof came over to ask for directions? How many have never gotten back up after being hit with the full force of a waking Iop's foul breath or, worse still, a Pandawa's breath the day after the Lunar New Year?
Faced with so many threats, the World of Twelve's Eniripsas felt they had to do something. They've teamed up with the World of Twelve's greatest stylists to offer you masks** that combine style and performance.

To best defend good or evil, defend yourself!

For cat and dog lovers alike!

The greatest heroes always wear a mask!
* Category-1 reusable, adjustable masks, size 17.5 cm by 13 cm. Filtration guaranteed – tested for 100 washes
** Warning! Under no circumstances do these masks replace other everyday preventive actions (regular hand washing, physical distancing, limiting contact with other people). They simply add a physical barrier and must be used especially when you are in close contact with other people.
Product type: Category-1 masks reserved for non-sanitary uses as per the French government's information note dated March 29, 2020.
Material whose performance has been measured by the laboratories of the DGA (Directorate General of Armaments) Maîtrise NRBC, 5 rue Lavoisier, 91710 Vert-le-Petit, France, and that withstands 100 washes (Report RP/20-4065/DGA MNRBC/2000305/NP):
- Breathability: 125 in L.m².S-1 (100 Pa depression)
- 3 µm particle filtration: 94%
These masks follow the French health recommendations set up within the COVID-19 contain framework. They comply with French standards which may not be in line with the standards, recommendations or obligations set up in other countries.