We can't say it enough: a big thank you to everyone who contributed to the Kickstarter campaign for Wakfu Season 4. We promised to distribute your digital rewards sometime in December, and we've kept that promise.
You should have received a code that you can use to collect your digital rewards for the games DOFUS, WAKFU, and DOFUS Touch. Be sure to check your spam folder!
The code was emailed to the address you entered in the pledge manager. If you didn't fill this out despite our numerous email reminders and announcements on the Kickstarter page, we'll give you one last chance to submit a valid email address by contacting Support. We'll send out rewards again for stragglers in February. This will only be an option for those who pledged DURING the Kickstarter. We are not accepting new pledges.
If you run into any issues with your rewards, you'll need to contact Ankama Support directly.
Our team came up with these rewards for you to carry with as much pride as we felt seeing your enthusiasm and support during the Kickstarter campaign. We hope you like them!
A big thank you to everyone, and enjoy the rest of 2020!