It will soothe you as much as stimulate you. It is the calm before the storm. It is abundance and frugality at the same time. Featuring an image of the ink dragon and the paper dragon, the Pandala Kwismas Pack is the perfect combination of opposites… The first 80 orders will receive a free shikishi* signed by the DOFUS team!

Let's be honest – Kwismas and the Clockwork Ball aren't always a picnic… Between hunting down presents, arranging dinner, and running back and forth to visit cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles, the holiday season often leaves you as morose and sickly as a Vampyre!
For Kwismas time this year, we're offering the unthinkable. Hold on to your Boowolf thong, because you're in for a shock: What would you say to a relaxing holiday season…? No, you're not dreaming. No, we haven't been drinking too much fermented bamboo milk. And our brains aren't foggy from the vapor fumes in Feudala either. Although, to be truthful, our last trip to Pandala and our brief spiritual retreat to the statue of the Grand Puddah probably had an effect on us…
This year, the Kwismas Pack is turning Pandalan! Who better than the masters of thought and meditation to spread wisdom? For €49.99, this pack contains:
- A Pandala bento box made in partnership with Monbento (value: €39.99)
- A 75-cl bottle of the Limo d'Grobe soft drink** (value: €4.50)
- An extra-large mousepad featuring the ink dragon and paper dragon (value: €7.90)
- A free Pandana (Pandala-style neckwarmer)
- An early-access Pandauge pet for DOFUS and DOFUS Touch (value: €5)
- An early-access Kwismas bedroom set for WAKFU (value: €3)
- Plus a 6,000-ogrine card, valid in DOFUS and WAKFU!
And as a bonus, the first 80 orders will receive a free shikishi*** signed by the DOFUS team!
Want specifics? Here they are:

Designed in partnership with Monbento, this box can be filled with the most delicate meals (as well as leftover pizza). Air-tight and infinitely reusable, you can take it anywhere – and without leaving a mess!

A sweet little treat to quench your thirst! Produced in collaboration with La Gosse, this soda with natural citrus flavors is a delight for young and old alike!

It took some work, but we managed to fit them both in! Imagiro and Orukam, brought together on a 60 x 35 cm (24 x 14 in) desk pad.

A neckwarmer to shield you from the blustery winds of Aerdala… Can be worn on your head, around your neck, or on your wrist!

As cute as a Pandawa Cub and as sweet as a Dauge, we present the Pandauge!

This decoration was lovingly crafted by Father Kwismas's little Goblimps!

Enough for a little spree in the DOFUS and WAKFU shops!
* A shikishi is a 13.5 x 12 cm (5.3 x 4.7 in) cardboard cutout with a gold trim. The autograph may be in color or black and white. Offer valid once per account and while supplies last. If you qualify, the signed shikishi will automatically appear in your cart.
** See components in the item description for the Pandala Kwismas Pack.
***Delivery by early December