The Al Howin event is now available. Don't miss this occasion to visit the terrifying lands of Horrib Isle and Al Howin's Vegetable Patch!
The Al Howin event is available starting now and will stay in-game until the maintenance on Tuesday, November 17, 2020!
Horrib Isle is back! As a reminder, it offers you the following content:
To get there, you must still go through Marco Conut at [14,14]. He'll ask you to carry out individual tasks before you can enter the sewers unless you've already completed the mission last year.
Tip: The requested "pointed bones" can be found on skeletons in the "Bandit Territory" zone and on Chafer Foot Soldiers, the Invisible Chafer, the Draugur Chafer, and the Rib.
Take the Marco Conut quest before starting to collect the bones or there's a risk of losing them in the event of a logout/logon.
The Al Howin's Vegetable Patch dungeon is open again! Head to [-1,22] to get there.
Don't retreat before the evil creatures that live in it: Not only will they let you craft the Punkin' Set, with its exclusive "Wimpkin" title, but if you manage to beat Al Howin, you'll also unlock an exclusive emote!
As a reminder, eight achievements are linked to Al Howin content:
Complete all the Horrib Isle and Al Howin achievements to unlock the "Panicky Pumpkwin" ornament!
Have fun!

The Al Howin event is available starting now and will stay in-game until the maintenance on Tuesday, November 17, 2020!
Horrib Isle
Horrib Isle is back! As a reminder, it offers you the following content:
- A 200 zone made up of a farm zone and boss room: "Plateau Ribilis".
- A 50 zone made up of a farm zone and boss room: "Bonecurdler Beach".
- A level-200 set and a level-50 set.
- Two cosmetic shields.
- Four quests.
- Over 10 achievements.
Access to the Isle
To get there, you must still go through Marco Conut at [14,14]. He'll ask you to carry out individual tasks before you can enter the sewers unless you've already completed the mission last year.
Tip: The requested "pointed bones" can be found on skeletons in the "Bandit Territory" zone and on Chafer Foot Soldiers, the Invisible Chafer, the Draugur Chafer, and the Rib.
Take the Marco Conut quest before starting to collect the bones or there's a risk of losing them in the event of a logout/logon.
Al Howin's Vegetable Patch
The Al Howin's Vegetable Patch dungeon is open again! Head to [-1,22] to get there.
Don't retreat before the evil creatures that live in it: Not only will they let you craft the Punkin' Set, with its exclusive "Wimpkin" title, but if you manage to beat Al Howin, you'll also unlock an exclusive emote!
As a reminder, eight achievements are linked to Al Howin content:
- Six for the "Al Howin's Vegetable Patch" dungeon,
- Two for event-related content.
Complete all the Horrib Isle and Al Howin achievements to unlock the "Panicky Pumpkwin" ornament!
Have fun!