You really wanted this Armoured Dragoturkey. It was right there, sudden tragedy strikes: the Dragoturkey is no longer available in the Shop. In order to avoid such situations in the future, we'll detail the current offers for you each week!
Make up for lost time with the Cog Pack! It includes the Mechana Attire, Timeless Emote , Proto-Noxine Pet, and Gears Ornament, all for 10,000 Goultines.
Celebrate 4 years of DOFUS Touch with the Birthday Pack! It includes the Give A Cake Emote, Ross Pet, Wealthy Fairyworks, and 30 Days Bonus Pack all for8,000 4,000 Goultines.
Available from 18 September 5:00 PM (Paris time) to 21 September 9:30 AM (Paris time)
This week's featured offer

Cog Pack
Make up for lost time with the Cog Pack! It includes the Mechana Attire, Timeless Emote , Proto-Noxine Pet, and Gears Ornament, all for 10,000 Goultines.

Birthday Pack
Celebrate 4 years of DOFUS Touch with the Birthday Pack! It includes the Give A Cake Emote, Ross Pet, Wealthy Fairyworks, and 30 Days Bonus Pack all for
This week's items
- Living Objects
- Livitinem
- Mounts
- Emotes
- Dance
- Consumables
- Prestige - Services
- Prestige - Cosmetics *NEW!*
- Gobbalux
- Gobbalator
- Hood of the Putrid Eye
- Hood of the Sharp Eye
- Sramscot
- Sram Attire
- Marvellous Woman Shield
- Crocabulia Emote
- Prestige Pack

Weekend Offers
Available from 18 September 5:00 PM (Paris time) to 21 September 9:30 AM (Paris time)
- Tarzantula
- Sting
- Bzz

- Over the weekend, pillage, and plunder with the Corsair Pack! It includes the Corsair Attire and three Pirate Skeleton Transformation Potions!
Enhance your gameplay experience by purchasing items and services in the Shop with Goultines! Find out how to set up your payment options.
There you go, now that you know about everything, you'll never again miss an offer from the Shop!