For years, the Kanigs kept the Minerocks under their control. But after Cania was suddenly flooded, the Minerock people were able to free themselves from Kanig oppression. The two clans now reside in neighboring lands, and the conflict opposing them has persisted.
The Kanigs, deprived of drinking water, are looking for a way to once again invade the Minerocks' land to acquire this scarce resource. As they seek to reclaim supremacy, some of the Minerocks now aspire to live freely, and maybe even peacefully.
Contest Concept
In the comments section of this article, write a letter (in a roleplay style and using the game lore) addressed to Kanigrula to try and convince her to bury the hatchet with the Minerocks.
Each player may submit one missive of 250 words or less, which must comply with forum rules.
The contest starts now, and will end on Sunday, July 26 at 11:59 PM (Paris time).
Our team will select the two most persuasive letters, and their authors will be rewarded with:
- 10 Sharivakens (more info)
- 5,000 Goultines
- The "Write" emote
Grab your pens!
ANKAMA GAMES (Lille Metropolitan Area Companies and Commerce Register: 492 360 730) located at 75 bd d'Armentières, 59100 Roubaix – France is organizing from 07/16/2020 at 2 p.m. (Paris time) to 07/26/2020 at 11:59 p.m. (Paris time) a free, no-purchase-necessary contest titled "A Decisive Letter" open to all private individuals worldwide. To enter, write a roleplay answer to the news article's text in less than 250 words and post your entry in the comments section. A jury will select and award prizes to the 2 best stories from players who take part on the French version of the website www.dofus-touch.com, the 2 best stories from players who take part on the English version of the website www.dofus-touch.com, and the 2 best stories from players who take part on the Spanish-language section of the forum on the website www.dofus-touch.com. Prize value per winner: €18.00. Full contest rules and regulations are available at the following link.