For three weeks, we lived for the WAKFU Season 4 Kickstarter. It was a constant thrill. To be honest, it got our hearts beating faster than usual! But it's nothing compared to the adventures that await the Brotherhood of the Tofu. And that await YOU! Here's a video of Djinn looking back at an emotional last several days.

Well, our crowdfunding campaign for WAKFU Season 4 is officially over. In a period of three weeks, you, our community, gave us lots of warm fuzzy feelings. Your support, your enthusiasm, your overwhelming excitement – let's be honest, this love you openly professed for the Brotherhood of the Tofu left us deeply touched. And we're already fired up to begin production on this new chapter! Members of the Brotherhood of the Tofu are excited as well…
Speaking of the Brotherhood, this just in: Our good friend Ruel, caught up in all the merriment, seems to have taken his yearly bath earlier than expected. So he'll be fresh as a newborn Enutrof when he embarks on this new adventure! Pretty incredible, right? Ruel reportedly stated, "Any chance I could get a few kamas from this Kickstarter? I mean, hey, times are hard…" Some people never change!
We also heard from Evangelyne and her overexcited husband. She's holding up, and she says the urge to throw a humble pie in her beloved's face has only crossed her mind a few times, honest… As for Percedal, he had this to say:
"Woohoooo!! Hahaha! AWESOME! I'M READY TO FIGHT! Yeahhh!!!"
We can say with some certainty that this particular Iop is in good spirits.
Can't wait to see them? Neither can we! Until then, Djinn takes a look back at the incredible experience that was the Kickstarter. In the form of a video, but mostly in the form of thanks!