Our very last video! Are your eyes still sparkling like kamas after watching our video about Ruel on loop? They may be shining with tears after this final video, dedicated to our young lad with the incredible powers: Yugo the Eliatrope! Get ready, because our Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign is starting next Monday!

He's the center of it all. The reason why the Brotherhood of the Tofu was founded in the first place. The one who brought adventurers from far and wide together for a common cause. Overcoming the sometimes vast differences between them, and ready to face any danger and take on the most fearsome of enemies. All of them joining forces around a single goal: to reveal the hidden origins of the young Eliatrope.
Next Monday, June 8, things will start getting really serious. Can't wait to dive into a new chapter in the adventures of the Brotherhood of the Tofu? We can't write it without you! So join us and add your support to our Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign!
In the meantime, we'll leave you to check in on our favorite Eliatrope with a look back that's got more than its share of surprises…
Truly astounding, isn't it? But… it's strange. It seems like that video revealed more than what you already knew… No? You didn't notice? Watch it again, more closely this time!
See you next week for the official launch of the crowdfunding campaign for your favorite series!