One of the announcements that caught your notice in the last KrosmoNote was, of course, the one about the Kickstarter campaign we're planning for the 4th season of the WAKFU animated series. Yes, you read that right: The members of the Brotherhood of the Tofu are getting ready to jump back into the fray… and it all starts now with this video!

There's really no stopping this team! We last left them at the gates of Ingloriom, the kingdom of the gods. And in a pretty tough spot, too… Remember? Well, what happens next is… Whoa there! STOP! Phew… That would have been quite the spoiler! The final resolution that Wakfu has been headed for since the beginning… the one we've been nourishing and protecting like a Pink Piwi with her egg… in a word, the grand finale… is almost here!
But to complete the ultimate quest, we'll need you to come along too! To make this project a reality and conclude the final chapter in the adventures of the Brotherhood of the Tofu, your help will be essential… That's why we'll be launching a Kickstarter campaign by the beginning of June.
Evangelyne, Percedal, Amalia, Yugo, Ruel, and Elely and Flopin too: they're all ready to sign up for a 4th tour of duty. But before we make this reunion official, what do you say we take a look back at each of their stories? At the past events that forged their personalities and made them into the lovable oddball heroes that they are today? A lot has happened in 12 years!
Each week, you'll have the pleasure of checking out a video dedicated to one of our courageous adventurers. This week, our visit with the members of the Brotherhood of the Tofu starts with a certain fearless, clueless, and larger-than-life warrior! This one will hit you right in the feels…
We don't know about you, but for us, that video definitely brought out a tear or two… And we've seen our share in our time with the World of Twelve!
Come back next week for a new video, and in June for the WAKFU Season 4 Kickstarter campaign!