The 1,086 participants of the Abyss Joust #2 are on the brink of war: the first round of the tournament begins tomorrow at 8:00 PM (Paris time). Here are a few reminders for the big day!

362 teams will compete starting tomorrow for the ultimate title of "Abyss Master" and become the new champions of DOFUS Touch!
Follow the match schedules, and join the tournament Discord for information and updates.
Note that all times mentioned are in Paris time.
Wednesday, April 1
- 8:00 PM: Round 1, on a close-combat map
Sunday, April 5
- 6:00 PM: Round 2, on a close-combat map
- 8:00 PM: Round 3, on a long-range map
- 10:00 PM: Round 4, on a mid-range map
Tuesday, April 7
- 8:00 PM: Round 5, on a close-combat map
- 10:00 PM: Round 6, on a long-range map
Thursday, April 9
- 8:00 PM: Round 7, on a mid-range map
- 10:00 PM: Round 8, on a close-combat map
Sunday, April 12
- 6:00 PM: Round 9, on a long-range map
- 8:00 PM: Round 10, on a mid-range map
- 10:00 PM: Round 11, on a close-combat map
Tuesday, April 14
- 8:00 PM: Round 12, on a long-range map
- 10:00 PM: Round 13, on a mid-range map
The final stages will take place from Sunday, April 19 to Sunday, May 3.
Reminders to Participants
- Plan your schedule and be early on the Tournament Server so you can prepare for your match.
- Be sure to complete the Match Results Form at the end of each match. This is mandatory for all teams and essential for the smooth running of the tournament. Only one member of the team should fill-up the form.
- As soon as the matches for the day are published, start your match at the indicated time and on the map assigned to you.
- Teams must participate in all 13 rounds. It is possible to qualify for the final stages even if your team incurs several losses.
- The use of multiple accounts is prohibited; players who use multiple accounts will be disqualified and their Ankama accounts sanctioned.
For more information about the tournament, find the complete rules on this page.
Ready to be a legend? See you tomorrow at 8:00 PM (Paris time) on the Tournament server!