Looking Back
The year 2019 was full of emotion in DOFUS Touch! Between the time bubbles (that Epsilon, he really got you to experience wild adventures!), the city of Orado, class balancing and revamps, new equipment, ceremonial items, the shield revamp, changes to Cania, and more… There was plenty going on!
Many players enjoyed this content because the game activity was higher than it was in 2018.
All these players are welcomed brilliantly by our team of volunteers – moderators and community helpers – who we would like to thank once again in this Missive. Speaking of volunteers, we are still recruiting moderators and community helpers!
But enough about 2019! Let's look ahead to 2020!
Rectify to Better Succeed
In 2019, we had decided to put the emphasis on rectifying various in-game issues (dead cells, inventories and banks, display issues, etc.) while continuing to work on the many improvements and new content to bring in.
To be entirely honest, we are not entirely satisfied with the results. While we are proud of the content we added or modified last year, we know that the content is partially spoiled by the various issues that perturb your in-game experience daily, and mainly the bugs, phishing and bots.
When it comes to bugs, we're notably referring to performance issues (crashes), display problems, and the various issues encountered during fights. Other points will be rectified and you'll learn more about it when the time comes!
As you may have guessed, we've decided to focus exclusively on these issues during the first months of 2020.
The entire production team will be working hard, hand in hand, to provide you with an optimal game experience and make it possible to welcome new content on a healthy footing.
"Wait! What? Does that mean we won't get ANY new content before the end of the year?!"
Of course it doesn't mean that. You won't have to wait for December to see the first new content in 2020! It will come – at the latest – during the summer.
For now, we'd rather not say anything about the new content we're planning. We've already mentioned a few ideas, and for the rest, we'll be keeping a close eye on your various requests.
To help you wait, DOFUS Touch's major inter-server tournament will be back!
The Abyss Joust #2
After the success of the first edition, we'd like to offer another edition of the inter-server tournament "The Abyss Joust". It aims to be as accessible as possible with more than 1,000 participants, along with a complete equipment bank on a shared server.
We can't wait to experience the jousting and pitched battles again, which will be spread out over about three weeks!
There will be many rewards to unlock based on your performance, and notably this new ceremonial pet for the podium.

A trophy room will also be added to the in-game tournament zone to honor the winners of each inter-server tournament.
Our plan is to launch the contest at the end of March. We will have more information for you in good time. Be ready!
The Shop
The new year also means a new rotation in the in-game shop! Like last year, we will alternate between new packs (and therefore new ceremonial items) and old packs, along with kamas and goultines, to give those of you who missed out a chance to get them.
We will continue to offer only items that do not provide a competitive advantage.

Something else new this year involves the Prestige category. Starting in February, the items in this category will rotate monthly in the shop. You'll find new ceremonial items as well as older items that haven't been available for several months.
The Mystery Boxes will receive special attention in response to your feedback. We would like to slow the pace for these, notably to take the time to roll out an exchange system for duplicates. To be continued…
Join the DOFUS Touch adventure!
To wrap up this Missive, know that we are actively hiring a server developer and a client developer to join our team.
If you like development, Japan and DOFUS Touch, make sure you check out the links above!
Oh, one last thing: THANK YOU. Thank you for your support every day, and thank you for being so passionate about DOFUS Touch. Rest assured that we'll keep doing everything we can to make sure you enjoy the game!
Have a wonderful 2020 (with us, we hope!) and feel free to post your questions and remarks in the comments.