Games, publications, board games and even animations – many projects are in the works for 2020! But before all that, let's take a last look at 2019, a year that was also full of fantastic stories…

The year 2019 was loaded with adventures and emotions!
Recipes for Success, To the Krosmoz and Beyond, the City of Orado, Balance to the Force #2, To Scare Is Human, At the Edges of Time… Which update thrilled you the most this year?
Beyond DOFUS Touch, here are a few of the events and releases we shared this year:
- Video Games: DOFUS (Temporis III, Eliocalypse: Resonance, Revenge of the Feathered Dragon, the Master of Dreams, the Four Horsemen of the Eliocalypse), DOFUS Retro (1.30), WAKFU (Pandalucia, the Sadida Kingdom, the Wakfu Warriors tournament), WAVEN (Alpha), Krosmaga, and more…
- Board Games: Krosmaster Blast, Arkeis, Monster Slaughter: Underground
- Publications: Radiant, Dans la tête de Sherlock Holmes, Kong Crew, Eli & Gaston, and more…
Thank you for a memorable year!
See you in 2020 to continue all these adventures (and many more)…
Let us know in the comments what your favorite memories of 2019 are and what you're looking forward to most in 2020.