Take advantage of the Kwismas magic for a little over a month in DOFUS Touch!
Many of you have awaited its return, and now it's here! Go adventure seeking on Kwismas Island until January 28, 2020.
This magical island offers a wide variety of content, in particular:
You might also cross paths with the terrifying Kwismas Minotoball, which will offer you a shield and an exclusive title if you defeat him...
Hurry to the island on Hector Kwismas' boat, located at [8,-6]!

Many of you have awaited its return, and now it's here! Go adventure seeking on Kwismas Island until January 28, 2020.
This magical island offers a wide variety of content, in particular:
- 3 new zones with 3 Kwismas Dungeons and new achievements to unlock
- Kwismas-themed rewards, for example the Slayhound petsmount
- Gifts that drop from the island's various monsters
- A community quest, including the mysterious Slab Room
- New daily and one-off quests
- A Kwismas Dragoturkey
You might also cross paths with the terrifying Kwismas Minotoball, which will offer you a shield and an exclusive title if you defeat him...
Hurry to the island on Hector Kwismas' boat, located at [8,-6]!