You really wanted this Armoured Dragoturkey. It was right there, suddenly tragedy strikes: the Dragoturkey is no longer available in the Shop. In order to avoid such situations in the future, we'll detail the current offers for you each week!

This week's featured offer
- Donning the finest items to customize your character will soon be child's play when you can use Ceremonial Items. A lot of items from the Shop can now be worn for fashion! Learn more from the devblog.
- Conquer your opponents in style with the Brakmar and Bonta Packs, available in the Prestige section for 16,000 Goultines each.
- Brakmar Pack
- Ceremonial Hood of the Putrid Eye
- Ceremonial Cape of the Putrid Eye
- Gobbalux Ceremonial Mount
- Bonta Pack
- Ceremonial Hood of the Sharp Eye
- Ceremonial Cape of the Sharp Eye
- Gobbalator Ceremonial Mount
- Brakmar Pack
This week's items
- Pets
- Pink Dragoone
- Leopardo
- Snickermite
- Livitinems
- Parasymbic
- Sets
- Hax Or
- Davyd
- Viotifool
- Incarnations
- Koksiks
- Rapiat
- Flame's Tormentator
- Mounts
- Boarhog
- Emotes
- Dance
- Consumables
- Wealthy Fairyworks
- Chocolate
- Orange
- Api
- Mirabelle Plum
- Prestige - Services
- Prestige - Cosmetics
- Mimisymbic
- Bilby
- Platypus
- Just
- Noh
- Super Cute
- Mystery
- Divine
- Shushivin
- Alabaster Skrot
- Karmeleon
- Feanor
- Piggy Shield
- Emote Scroll: Fisherman
- Emote Scroll: Elemental
- Ornament: Master Necromancer
- Ornament: Sidimote Hero
- Ornament: Hero of Otomai
- Ornament: Externam Ambassador
Weekend Specials
- Young Wild Boar
- Charlie
Enhance your gameplay experience by purchasing items and services in the Shop with Goultines! Find out how to set up your payment options.
There you go, now that you know about everything, you'll never again miss an offer from the Shop!