Not all the mysteries of the new area of Mount Neselite have yet been unraveled. And on that topic, we're giving you free rein of your imagination and your talents through this new contest to be tackled in pairs!
Did you notice that strange iron gate on Mount Neselite? Those strange noises and messages that escape when you try to open it? A single question is on everyone's lips: What's behind it?
This is the question we suggest you find the answer to among friends in an attempt to leave with some nice rewards!
How to Participate?
From today, either alone or in pairs, you'll need to meet the following challenges…
Picture and draw what's hidden behind the door above!
- The fanart must relate to the stated theme.
- You can opt to use traditional methods (pen, pencil, and crayon) or digital (computer), in black and white or color.
- Each pair taking part must submit a single piece of fanart.
- The fanart must be of your own creation and respect the forum rules.
You must share your characters' adventures after having gone through this very gate in a roleplay style.
- Your text must be no longer than 250 words.
- It must respect the forum rules.
Submitting Your Entries
Your two entries must be sent to the email address at the same time.
The image must be attached in .BMP, .JPG, or .PNG format, whereas the text must be sent as plain text in the body of the email.
All participants must provide the name of their in-game character(s) as well as their server(s).
Please also note that by sending us your creations, you agree to the submission agreement that allows us to share them on all our pages, as well as to edit or alter them so that they are compatible with certain formats.
The DOFUS Touch staff will select the three best pairs and will reward them with the following prizes:
- 2,000 Goultines,
- Stubyobb Pack
- Paintbrush Emote,
- Flute Emote
- The Ringomontade, which gives you the title "The Great Gasconader"
The contest ends at 11:59 PM CEST on Wednesday, July 25.
Good luck, everyone!