Aaah, the Wa Wabbit… Such a stwong pewsonality of the Wowld of Twelve: a huge bwute, an egotistic monstew, all gweat qualities sublimed by an incompawable chawisma*. Don't be afwaid, deaw adventuwews, come and confwont him, and you might win some valuable tweasuwe! We sweaw.
Visiting Cawwot Island is tiwing, especially if you decide you want to leawn the local dialect! Befowe setting foot ashowe, please be awawe that you may end up (and leaving) speaking like us... It might seem funny at fiwst, but soon you'll undewstand it can be something of a pwoblem.
Howevew, this little issue is nothing to wowwy about, especially if you want to stuff youw pockets!
Duwing the week-end of Octobew 15 and Octobew 16, all adventuwews who defeat the Wa Wabbit in his dungeon will win a Twophy Wa Wabbit Shield; this amazing twophy, on top of being extwemely dashing, unlocks the exclusive "Wa Wabbit Slayew" title. This is a unique occasion to bwoaden youw collection of exclusive items!
Also, since you'll be thewe anyway, why not do the Cawott Dofus quest as well?
Last (but not least) of ouw advice befowe you finish packing: don't fowget to bwing along youw Fosfow pet, as it only feasts on Wabbits!
This event will stawt on Satuwday, Octobew 15, at 00:01 (GMT) and end on Sunday, Octobew 16, at 23:59 (GMT). Good luck to you all!
* Almost no CM (none that mattew anyway) has been hawmed in the dwafting of this news. Signed, youw Wa.

Visiting Cawwot Island is tiwing, especially if you decide you want to leawn the local dialect! Befowe setting foot ashowe, please be awawe that you may end up (and leaving) speaking like us... It might seem funny at fiwst, but soon you'll undewstand it can be something of a pwoblem.
Howevew, this little issue is nothing to wowwy about, especially if you want to stuff youw pockets!
Duwing the week-end of Octobew 15 and Octobew 16, all adventuwews who defeat the Wa Wabbit in his dungeon will win a Twophy Wa Wabbit Shield; this amazing twophy, on top of being extwemely dashing, unlocks the exclusive "Wa Wabbit Slayew" title. This is a unique occasion to bwoaden youw collection of exclusive items!
Also, since you'll be thewe anyway, why not do the Cawott Dofus quest as well?
Last (but not least) of ouw advice befowe you finish packing: don't fowget to bwing along youw Fosfow pet, as it only feasts on Wabbits!
This event will stawt on Satuwday, Octobew 15, at 00:01 (GMT) and end on Sunday, Octobew 16, at 23:59 (GMT). Good luck to you all!
* Almost no CM (none that mattew anyway) has been hawmed in the dwafting of this news. Signed, youw Wa.