Week #37 (from Tuesday, September 12 at 9 a.m. to Tuesday, September 19 at 9 a.m. Paris time)
Every day, the shop has special offers at 20% off. To make sure you never miss them, check the homepage every day at 2 p.m. Paris time!
This Week's Special Offers
They're preceded by the sound of clattering metal… and a legendary reputation.
This week's special offers are here…
Iron Pack
The pet in this pack is made of not flesh and blood, but iron and steel. And if your enemies hope to put a dent in its morale… Well, they can always dream! But when they close their eyes at night, all they'll see is the Ironkeet's steely determination.
The Iron Pack contains:
- Ironkeet chameleon pet*
- Color change potion
* Linked to account. Equip this item in a ceremonial slot to use its appearance.
Iron Fist Pack
Working together like the five fingers in a powerful fist, this pet, cape, shield, potion combo and gorget will turn you into a machine. Clad in glistening steel, you'll crush, pound, crack, flatten and pulverize! Like an especially intimidating food processor.
The Iron Fist Pack contains:
- Ironkeet chameleon pet*
- Iron Fist chameleon set: Iron Cape,* Iron Shield* and Iron Gorget* (ceremonial items)
- Makeover pack: color change potion* and face change potion*
* Linked to account. Equip this item in a ceremonial slot to use its appearance.
It's not too late…
Don't be intimidated by its lousy pig-like nature. All it takes is a few Twelvian sacrifices to get the upper hand. Now, the brand new Petztek is free with any purchase using real currency (offer only valid once per account).
It is a chameleon ceremonial pet linked to the account.
Strike while the iron's hot:
head to the shop now!