For this Dungeon Rusher, the tone is being set by the Gobbstock Festival! Don't be fooled by his harp and bwork'n'roll quiff, the boss you need to defeat can certainly lead you on a merry dance. But if you call the tune, you can win his shield!
As you know, a Gobbstock Festival themed contest starts today.
And the prize is a magnificent shield!
But you can only win the prize by singing in unison with your guild members…
Maybe you would prefer to get a shield by doing all the hard work by yourself.
We won't judge you. We might even understand.
I mean, "works well in a team" is obviously not the first comment on your end-of-year report, but…
Oooh, don't look like that! We're just joking!
Maybe we touched a chord?
From Wednesday, June 21, to Wednesday, June 28, there's trouble with a troubador!
Head to Skeunk's Hideout to break the poet's rhythm and his skull until he takes his last breath! You'll also need to do the same to the four groupies you meet before him…
The climax of this dramatic work, or rather this death march, will be the grand entrance of the Trophy Skeunk Shield* into your inventory!